Being in connection with your values and resolutions. Have you made an inventory of values and resolutions to start the year? Now is the time to reflect on the changes you want in your life.

New Year has us making new resolutions. It is an invitation to start fresh, or build on something. But for me, resolution as a decision to do something or not do something is not enough to keep us through the year. So I stopped making resolutions. I used to make a list a mile long and through the year, I may get to a few. I have also tried this ‘word for the year’ that some people are suggesting. While not there yet, that gets me closer to what it is I am trying to get to here: Intention.
Where do intentions come from? They come from your values. What are your values? Have you done an inventory of values? I like to use the list from Brene Brown. She wrote up a list of values accompanying her Dare to Lead book. I am using my values for Creativity, and Humor, Vulnerability and Integrity. Of these four, Integrity is a leading one for me right now.
Aligning with this, I am looking at what my journey was last year. I was doing so much work on myself, so much on the trauma release I am working on. I have noticed with doing so much work on myself, I have been taking myself too seriously. I need to lighten up.

So, the question I am asking myself is, what do I want to create more of in my life? In 2024, my intention is to create more space for humor and fun in my life. I want to create spaces where I can see the humor of things.
And so, working on a month-to-month basis, I am beginning to build my goals for space for humor in my life. I am also keeping track of my finances, and my business. AND I Am building space for humor. And in small steps, am making space for a funny movie on occasion, maybe once a month. In these incremental steps, I am going to look for comedians I might align with. I don’t have a clue what is out there! This is my growth edge. This is my approach to ‘resolutions.’ What are your intentions for your new year, 2024?
The Universe is always offering us opportunities for renewal.
We start the New Year fresh. If it resonates, I invite you to take a minute to live more from intention and less from habit.
Much love.
Connect with your body’s wisdom.

A five- step process for a quick body scan to find your learning edges.
Breathing. Always beginning with breathing. Slow down to taking a deep breath counting to 4 in , count to 2 hold, and four out for two or three breaths. Become aware of the expansion and contraction of your abdomen.
Grounding. Feel into the body and where you are, the contact of your legs with the floor, your bum on your chair, the clothes on your skin.
Scanning. Imagine a ball of light, your personal sun and start with your feet, feeling the warmth of the light to your feet. Move the light up your body. Take a moment to be in this present moment, as you move this light, feel into the safety and warmth of this light moving slowly through your body. Let this light come up through your head and surround your body in warm healing light.
Discerning. As you scan, see what words come up for you, as something you want more of. Playing with the two or three values you have discerned, look for what might be something you need more of. Let it gently emerge for you. Be curious.
Closing. When you are ready, begin to bring your awareness back to your breath. Open your eyes, staying relaxed, take a moment to write up what came up for you.
Article written by Annabella Roig